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4 reasons to switch to a suede yoga mat

4 reasons to switch to a suede yoga mat

Aug 05,2022
The quality of your yoga mat is the key to your performance. Whether you're a yoga expert or new to the discipline, every yogi needs a mat to best support their practice. With tons of yoga mats to choose from, choosing the right one for you can be a daunting task, so we wrote this article. Read on to find out 4 compelling reasons why a vegan suede yoga mat is the best choice on the market.


1- Environmentally friendly
Did you know that many yoga mats on the market are made of materials that contain plastic and chemicals? These are not only bad for you, but also very bad for the planet. From production to disposal, most yoga mats made from plastic materials like PVC release countless harmful and even toxic chemicals. What's more, the mats are not recyclable nor biodegradable, which means they'll linger in landfills for thousands of years after being thrown away.

2 - Durability
Suede yoga mat is built to last. While the spongy PU material used in many fitness mats can easily tear and shred when worn, suede is tough and durable. Boasting longevity and reliability, this makes them an excellent investment for every yogi. Suede pads are also easy to maintain. If cleaning is required, it can simply be hand washed and hung to dry.

What's more, because of its durability, suede is the ideal canvas for long-lasting designs. The designs printed on the plastic-based material of most yoga mats will fade or peel with use, leaving you with a worn-out mat that looks like it needs to be replaced. In contrast, suede cushions can be dyed with natural dyes to create bold and exciting designs that last. This dyeing technique ensures that the suede yoga mat retains the vibrancy of its color and the clarity of its design, meaning you can enjoy them for years to come.

3 - Comfort
Many yoga poses require close contact with your mat and place a lot of weight on the floor below you. Therefore, a comfortable yoga mat is the key to ensuring you perform at your best.

Every yogi will know the discomfort of feeling hard floors through a mat. This is because the material structure of regular yoga mats tends to be spongy, squeezing into a thin layer when weight is placed on it. As a result, they lack the sturdiness and mass density needed to create a supportive base for the yogi, leading to unnecessary pain during your practice. This usually reduces the amount of time you spend in each pose. What's more, the PVC material of most yoga mats is sticky to the skin and can irritate your practice.

In contrast, suede yoga mats are comfortable and stable. The combination of suede leather with a natural rubber base layer provides users with a soft surface and base layer that aids stability and balance by promoting firm contact with the floor. This two-layer approach is also more comfortable because the rubber base is strong enough to retain its density, even when weight or pressure is placed on it. It creates a thick layer between you and the floor, cushioning any pressure points throughout the exercise.

4 - Stability
Most common yoga mats on the market are made of waxy plastic material. When wet, this material can become slippery and can cause the pad to move or ripple under you. This creates an unstable base and can hinder your performance. Unlike this, the suede yoga mat has a built-in mechanism that enhances grip when the material encounters moisture. When wet, the suede activates the anti-slip function. This keeps you grounded in even the most difficult yoga poses.

The moisture activation function creates a non-slip, sweat and absorbent surface. This makes the suede mat a great choice for hot yoga and eliminating the need to carry a towel around to class. But if you don't like hot yoga, don't worry. The non-slip handle can also be activated by simply spraying or splashing a small amount of water on the surface of the mat. So no matter what kind of yoga class you enjoy, the suede mat has a versatile technique for you.

In an age where we're all looking for a more sustainable lifestyle, why not include your yoga mat? Suede yoga mats are far more earth-friendly than plastic mats. From microfiber suede to natural rubber base, they are completely free of toxins and phthalates and are composed entirely of recyclable and biodegradable materials. So, invest in a product that you and your planet will thank you for.

So, have we convinced you to switch to a suede yoga mat? Head over to the wholesale yoga mats product page to browse secondpagesport unique collection of designs.
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